Interview with CYBERTEC
Any views or opinions represented or expressed in this interview belong solely to the interviewee and do not necessarily represent those of the PGConf.DE 2025 organization, PostgreSQL Europe, or the wider PostgreSQL community, unless explicitly stated.
- In which areas do you expect PostgreSQL to grow most and how does your company contribute to and benefit from that growth?
- I believe that the strongest demand for PostgreSQL will come from big enterprises struggling to get rid of legacy database software such as Oracle, MS SQL and so on. We provide all the tooling people will need to make the transition and to run things in the new infrastructure.
- What is your PostgreSQL centered product and what makes it unique?
- What makes us unique is that we offer the entire toolchain people need to run PostgreSQL. Our CYBERTEC Migrator helps users migrate easily to PostgreSQL. Scalefield is a ready-made solution for running PostgreSQL on any flavor of Kubernetes, complete with a full graphical user interface. CYPEX is the perfect replacement for legacy tools such as Oracle Forms and Oracle APEX. Of course, there’s more: pgwatch, pg_timetable, and PGEE. What makes us truly unique is the fact that we offer the most comprehensive range of solutions available.
- What makes your company a great place to work?
- I believe that a lot boils down to experience. We have been in this sector for over 20 years and together we have hundreds of years of PostgreSQL experience.
- How do you foster diversity in your company?
- We hire the best people and the best people can be found in any culture. Diversity does not have to be promoted - it is there by default if everybody is treated with equal importance.
- Share a funny or memorable story about your company in relation to PostgreSQL
- There is one thing I remember: Somebody called us because the database was super slow. We checked the system and only found „SELECT * FROM tab“. No WHERE-clauses, nothing. The reasoning was: „A WHERE clause is business logic and the database and business logic should not be in the database“. That left many of us speechless.